
Are you prepared for the unexpected?

Ikon for tjenestekategorien

Our crisis services 

The most important thing organisations can do in a crisis, is demonstrate clear leadership, take responsibility in the situation and demonstrate empathy for those affected. Good emergency response, handling and leadership in crises ensure that employees feel valued, provide necessary support for managers and protect the organisation's reputation. Moment assists companies in crisis preparedness, crisis handling and crisis management.


Developing plans

- Crisis plans
- Emergency response plans
- Emergency response systems

Training and exercises

- Courses in crisis and stress management
- Conducting practical crisis exercises

Emergency response function

- Access to 14 psychologists with professional specialisation
- 24-hour emergency phone line
- Rapid response

Crisis management

- Operative support for crisis and organisation management
- Practical handling
- Debriefing

Individual follow-up

- Guidance for or treatment of individuals over time